Dapper or Disaster? 8 Signs You Need a New Suit

The european man in white shirt feeling uncomfortable. The sleeve of his suit is too short for him. Mistake in clothes choosing

When you buy a new suit, it’s an investment that you hope to last as long as it can. Yet, the day comes when you need a new suit. However, knowing when that time has come can be tricky. Fortunately, you can tell by looking out for these eight signs. If you can identify more than one of them, then it’s probably time to move from disaster to dapper. Watch out for these warning signs that it’s time to start checking out your traditional suits or suit separates.

Tip 1: The Color Has Faded

Your suit should make you feel and look great, but that’s hard to do if the color in your old one has started fading. It’s also possible that the color of your current suit is no longer in fashion. Black is a very traditional suit color, but other colors are taking over. Navy, charcoal and light gray are great choices for contemporary business wear, and they’re even available in many tuxedos. In some cases, green is a popular choice for new suits, but you’d need to consider the specific shade of such a suit and the places you could wear it.

Tip 2: It Doesn’t Fit Well

Does your old suit feel a tad snug nowadays? Tailors can have a hard time making a suit bigger to fit the new you. It’s easier to make an oversized suit fit better, but altering it may make it look less appealing. Your best bet is retiring an ill-fitting suit and replacing it with something new and fresh. If you’re not sure what kind of suit to buy next, think about a suit rental service to temporarily try out different suits so you can explore the current trends and possibilities.

Tip 3: The Buttons Are Wrong

Loose buttons never fit the idea of a trim, dapper look. Also, if your suit has two rows of buttons, then your attire is screaming 20th-century. Unless you are looking for a tuxedo, go with a single-breasted option. Having your buttonholes themselves blend with the suit fabric is a traditional choice, and you won’t go wrong choosing that option. However, contrasting hole colors are on-trend, and you can find a tailor to add them or just order a suit that already uses different color threads for buttonholes.

A black suit that has been in use for a long time, with a hole in the arm.

Source: Kunlanan Yarist/Shutterstock.com

Tip 4: There Are Tears and Damage

The right men’s suits can make you feel invincible in many social settings, but the suits themselves are not indestructible armor. High-quality fabrics, such as tweed or twill, won’t damage easily, but enough severe stress can result in tears and damage. You’re not going to wear something with visible damage, and repairs might not restore the luster of the piece. Suit replacement is essentially the only way to look great again if your previous suit was seriously damaged.

Tip 5: A Part of Your Suit Is Missing

If you have what was a three-piece suit that’s now only two pieces, then a replacement is in order. Three-piece suits typically have a single-breasted jacket, vest or waistcoat, and matching pants. Most three-piece suits have each piece made using the same fabric for a cohesive appearance, and you can feel everything flowing together when you wear it. However, losing any of the three pieces means you need a replacement, and the odds are that you won’t find an exact match. Rather than wear something out of place, avoid the awkward vibe by just retiring that suit for a new one whose components all match.

Tip 6: You’re Trying Too Hard

This one might be subjective, but the number of workplaces requiring suits is on the downswing. Even offices that still require suits don’t always mandate that you should wear a tie as well, and that means that neckties are sometimes replaced by pocket squares or nothing at all. Wearing a striking suit can significantly impact career growth. However, avoid attention-grabbing suits and accessories. Keep your look clean and sharp. Add a pocket square instead for a touch of color pop and class, but don’t overdo it, either.

Tip 7: The Quality Is Questionable

If your current suit shows lackluster craftsmanship or materials, then it might be time to throw it a retirement party. Wearing an older shirt is something you can occasionally get away with in casual settings, but you can’t pull that off with the entire suit. A suit exists for formal environments and moments, so something high-class is the order of the day. You might pay more for such a suit, but it’s also going to last you longer and serve you better.

Arabic serious angry irritated businessman or worker in black suit with beard standing in front of an office glass building and taking his tie off with his hands.

Source: Pavel Gulea/Shutterstock.com

Tip 8: You No Longer Find It Comfortable

How comfortable is your suit? If you don’t even put it on anymore because it doesn’t feel that great, then you need to do something about it. Some suits, depending on their particular fabric, might have started out supple and soft before getting rough and rigid over time. A suit that doesn’t feel and fit your body well isn’t going to empower the attitude and confidence you need for situations in which dressing up is required. A new suit will be softer and a smarter wardrobe choice.

Keep Your Wardrobe Updated

A suit isn’t something every man wears on a regular basis, but you still need one in your wardrobe for the right occasions. As with any garment, its fit might change over time, and the materials might degrade or deteriorate after a while. The average man buys a suit every three years, so use these eight signs to know for sure when to start shopping. Even if your old suit is still in great shape, trends and tastes change; you might just be in the market for something new anyway.


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