15 Summer Wedding Invitations with Unique and Beautiful Design


A wedding invitation is the most important thing to remember as it would be the first impression of how your wedding will look like. There are some ideas about summer wedding invitations which are suitable for everyone who wants to hold their wedding on Summer season.

To design summer wedding invitations, it must be unique and beautiful as those aspects will encourage our wedding theme. We have been sorted some invitations that might be helpful to apply.

Summer Wedding Invitation 1
© Notonthehighstreet

Take a peek at the design above. It looks so beautiful such as a great invitation design. Some flowers which decorated on the invitations is one of great concept the implement though it uses basic color.

Summer Wedding Invitation 2
© invitesweddings

The invitation card would be amazing by implementing some borders such as the design above. A combination between various color and light blue as the basic color are really well converted.

Summer Wedding Invitations 4
© Notonthehighstreet

To design a beautiful wedding invitation card should not be decided hardly. There is some simple design but it looks beautiful while people receive our invitation such as the design of which are designed properly. There is some birds cage as the motif of its design as it is a symbol that love would be last forever just like how birds love each other.

Summer Wedding Invitations 3
© theoverwhelmedbride

While designing your unique invitation card, you have to know about what design are you going to implement. A unique thing is something that never exists before. Just like the design above. It uses unique motif. Not only the motif but also the invitation cover itself.

Summer Wedding Invitation 5
© goeswedding

The combination between black and white color is a truly great design. Then the motif of its invitation also encourage the summer wedding ideas. It blends to a natural but it does not remove its concept which is summer theme.

Summer Wedding Invitation 7
© elegantweddinginvites

The gradient color which is mixing both blue and white color. It is one of great combination ever but showing its uniqueness and beautifulness. For everyone who would like to apply simple wedding invitations, this design is the proper choice to use.

Summer Wedding Invitation 6
© elegantweddinginvites

Beach summer wedding invitations is a good recommendation if we would like to establish our wedding an event on a beach as it would be matched to the place itself and some environment there. However, make sure we have understood what color which is suitable to the invitations. In the design above it combines white and turquoise color.

Summer Wedding Invitation 8
© elegantweddinginvites

What do people think when they are looking at a design which looks like when waves crash something and all the water form scattered. It is really nice invitation card to have. Sending this card surely will give a good impression to whom who receive it.

Summer Wedding Invitation 9
© unitedarmy

Roses will always be the gorgeous part for every woman. This flower usually uses for a symbol of love which means loving each other will create a strong boundary between each other just like every single petal on Roses.

Summer Wedding Invitation 10
© weddinglovely

To use a beautiful and unique invitation card. We should be creative while decorating our invitation card. Make sure we have been thinking about the meaning of every part implemented on our card.

Summer Wedding Invitation 11
© theoverwhelmedbride

What a beautiful wedding invitation design! This is a true masterpiece as it does not have any mistakes. Every implemented design on this invitation is really well arranged. This one could be a reference for someone who needs invitation card by using flowers on the top of the card.

Summer Wedding Invitation 12
© invitesweddings

What an adorable wedding invitation card. This is the best design to follow. If you are looking for a simple design which does not contain lots of color and motives. This one is the most proper one.

Summer Wedding Invitation 13
© indieweddingguide

The usage of orange color which formed into an oval shape is really well chosen. It is a really great combination with a sky color. Not only the color but also the flower motives which decorated perfectly to strengthen the theme.

Summer Wedding Invitation 14
© elegantweddinginvites

Blending soft color and the starfish decoration is a really outstanding impression to whom who sees it. This invitation card is really easy to make as it does not cost lots budget to create it. Though, it looks simple but it shows the beautiness of its design.

Summer Wedding Invitation 15
© theoverwhelmedbride

The last one is the unique invitation card where it can surely stun your guest. The usage of brown color is really matched to its motives. The invitation card would be suitable if we would like to hold our wedding place which closes to nature.

That is all that we can share about summer wedding invitation to follow. We wish, all the design above would help you to find the beautiful and unique wedding invitation card to apply for your wedding event.


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