Types Of Winter Wedding Color Themes Which Presents Cool Tones That Stunning You

winter wedding color themes
© colin cowie weddings

Roowedding.com – Do you still confused to choose a suitable color for your winter wedding? Calm down guys, here we offer you types of winter wedding color themes which show a perfect and awesome impression. This kind of perfect color like this will bring out an outstanding view to your wedding. You may choose what kind of wintery palettes that can present cool tones around in. Are you curious about it? Let’s check and see how the wedding planner here create these winter wedding color design ideas for you! Who knows you might interest to apply the color for your wedding reception.

Frosty Air Wedding Schemes Shows a Winter Spirited

The first of this winter wedding color design ideas it is suitable for choosing wintery palettes like this frosty air wedding ideas. You may apply it for your winter wedding concept. This idea was great to choose because it will make your wedding design like a frozen movie. You will look like princess Elsa in a frozen movie when you wearing the frosty air color for the gown. With a perfect blue sky and white sparkle color, your wedding decor will look adorable. Apply this color to the dress, cake, and decoration of your winter wedding concept. To support your frosty air wedding schemes here, you may complete it with a suitable design and accessories in it. This winter wedding theme is suitable to apply in outdoor.

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© colin cowie weddings

Evergreen and Gold Color Theme Which Suitable For Winter Wedding Ideas

The next concept of winter wedding color themes here, you may apply the evergreen and gold color for your winter wedding concept. This will make your wedding looks perfect and awesome. The wedding planner here chooses an evergreen and gold color to be applied to the whole part of the wedding place. This wedding theme is suitable to choose for you who want to create something different especially for your winter wedding ideas. Start from the dress of bride and bridesmaid, this green color will make your appearance looks attractive and fascinating. You also may apply the color for the decoration until the ornament of the wedding such the arch and aisle around it. For the wedding invitation, you also may choose a green color for to make your wedding invitation looks gorgeous.

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© colin cowie weddings

Cranberry Sparkle Color Theme Shows a Romantic Feel

The last of the winter wedding color design ideas here, the wedding planner offers you a beautiful cranberry sparkle color to bring out a romantic feel around it. The elegant red and sparkle color it suitable to apply for your winter wedding concept. It may you follow to make your wedding reception looks different and outstanding. When you wearing the dress that applied with this color, your appearance will look perfect and pretty. For you who want to apply a romantic feel and chic impression, this cranberry color is compatible to choose to make your winter wedding ideas more perfect. Besides that, you can apply this to the bouquet, decoration, and the cake also to support these winter wedding theme with cranberry sparkle color.

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© colin cowie weddings

So, which winter wedding color themes do you like? Choose the best one of those designs above that you can apply for your wedding concept. Those colors above will make your wedding looks gorgeous and outstanding. Happy wedding 🙂


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