Unique and Unusual Wedding Bouquet Ideas | 21 Gorgeous Traditional and Non-traditional Bridal Bouquets


Roowedding.com – Weddings and flowers are a pair that never be separated from each other. From ancient times to now weddings have always included flower arrangements, whether a hand posy, garland, or a flower crown in the bride’s hair. In the past, brides need to carry flowers in their wedding that symbolize faithfulness, a new beginning, and fertility, even they also carry intense smelling flowers with herb arrangements to ward spirits away. But these days, the wedding bouquet is the way to express yourself and your love. So, making it unique and unusual wedding bouquets ever that would accompany you on your big day.

While your wedding ceremony brings festive to celebrate your one-of-a-kind relationship, you need to be bold in incorporating your personality and personal taste into every single of your wedding aspects. You can start with what you’ll wear such as a gown, makeup look, and a hand bouquet that you bring to the altar. Spread sentiment through the wedding bouquet you choose with many things like beautiful, colorful, on-themed, and stunningly your performance. So, we’ll help you get some unique and unusual wedding bouquet ideas that took a brave twist for brides in either traditional or non-traditional elements. Then, let’s check them out below!!!

All in Green Bouquets

Who loves green? Getting greenery on wedding bouquets is usual, but what makes it unusual is when you get all in green on the arrangement. This will provide you with a unique and unusual wedding bouquet idea. You can have your florist arrange greenery in your bridal bouquets. For example, if you want something simple, get some flower buds that are still green. If you want to make inexpensive bouquets, gather some greenery and leaves from your garden. You could use ferns in your hand bouquet to create a foresty look, or you could use white and green floral in your bride arrangement.

Fan Flower Arrangement

If you’re tired of the same old hand bouquets, fan floral arrangements can provide you with unique and unusual wedding bouquets. You might want to include this in your wedding planning. Arrange some blooms in hand fan frames, such as roses, peonies, and lilies. Aside from that, you can add other embellishments to your bridal bouquet, such as pearls, rhinestones, and so on, to make it look even more stunning.

Feather Accents

Natural accents, particularly greenery and flowers, are common in bride’s hand bouquets. What if we add animal accents to make it a unique and unusual wedding bouquet? It would be preferable if you added feathers to your wedding bouquet for this purpose. There are many beautiful feather fowl and bird feathers to adorn your posy, such as peacock feathers, pheasant bird feathers, duck feathers, and so on. For some reason, it is preferable to use artificial feathers that are less harmful to animals.

Pines Bridal Bouquet

Pine cones are a type of pine flower that is frequently used in crafts and, more recently, in the design of hand bouquets. If you want to present a unique and unusual bouquet for your wedding, this pine cone arrangement is preferred. Furthermore, this bouquet can look rustic and add new existence to your decorative accents. The arrangement can be full of pines or combined with pampas grass or cotton flowers for an industrial look. For a fresh winter wedding idea, simply combine with pine leaves or greenery. Besides that, this pine wedding bouquet has more worthwhile because it can be long-lasting.

Dried Flowers and Pampas Grass for Bouquets

Tired of fresh blooms? Want something a bit rustic and contemporary? Just try to bring these dried flowers and pampas grass on your big day. The natural colors from dried flowers which are traditionally dried in the open air can create a statement about the bohemian theme. If you want a full rustic concept, get pampas grass full of dried flowers for your bridal bouquet. Another option is simply to put the dried flower or pampas grass accent into your fresh blooms to get add a more rustic design.

Butterfly Bridal Bouquet

Talking about unique and unusual wedding bouquet ideas, we are pretty sure you would like this one. Silk and feather creatures with beautiful colors touch your wedding. You can create some paper butterflies floating and fluttering realistically in your hand bouquet. This makes you enough to have a fantasy and fairy tale wedding.

Rhinestones Posy

What are your thoughts on rhinestone bouquets for your hand? It would look glamorous and extravagant. Brooches arranged in a beautiful posy can be used to make a unique and unusual wedding bouquet. You can choose whether gold or silver brooches to knot on a hand posy and give you beautiful shine bouquets.

Whimsical Branches Hoop

If you want something that looks whimsical, dreamful, and getting a bit fairy tale touche, this hoop bouquet idea would look good. Swap your common bouquet by tangling flowers and branches in hoops. Also, you can make a hoop from the olive or eucalyptus branches.

Fruits and Vegies Bouquets

Veggies and fruits for bouquets? Have you ever seen it before? We are interested in this wedding bouquet idea. What we know is just veggies and fruits on the table as a dish for guests. But now it turns into a unique and unusual wedding bouquet idea. For this, you can try to arrange vegetables such as broccoli, peppers, chilies, romanesco broccoli, lettuce, and more. Or you can add apples, oranges, berries, and others to your hand flower arrangement. We may familiar with berries which are usually used for adorning fall or winter bouquet ideas. So, are curious about this bouquet?

Big Bloom Posy

Looking for a simple statement to bring to your wedding? We love large blooms that can be elegantly placed on your hand as you walk down to the altar. This is actually quite simple and can save you both money and time. You just need to ask for a single big bloom such as dahlias, protea, tropical orchids, sunflowers, desert roses, ranunculus, and anemones. Then, you can adorn it with a beautiful ribbon on the stem part. If you want something a bit green, you can include ferns or the leaves around the blooms.

Tillandsia Flower Arrangement

Tillandsia xerographica is an air plant that has become popular in gardening and wedding bouquets. These plants have the ability to make a statement wherever they go. In Mexico, these plants are known as Xeros, and they grow clingy on trees in subtropical forests. These plants stand out even among other types of air plants. Their lovely silver leaves curl and spiral around themselves as they grow. This results in a striking, nearly spherical plant that can be used as a focal point for your unique and unusual wedding bouquet idea. With this, you can arrange these air plants whether with desert plants such as succulents, the summer blooms, or use wildflowers to give you a stunning bouquet in your big ceremony.

Mushroom for Wild Forest Bouquets

You’ve seen vegetables and fruits used in wedding bouquets. We now have another unique and unusual wedding bouquet idea for you. Mushroom bouquets. This is the one that is usually cooked with vegetables. How can it be turned to add a wild forest touch to your hand flower arrangement? Simply select some shitake, reishi, oyster, or other edible mushrooms for your wedding bouquet design. Then you can arrange it with some bold flowers for a fall wedding theme, ferns or wildflowers for a rustic foresty touch, or olive and pine branches for a greenery idea.

Chrystal Bouquet

This crystal hand posy is yet another whimsical and unique wedding bouquet. The transparent white crystal in many beautiful forms can also be used for elegant and fancy bouquets. If you prefer a fairy tale, have ice queen bouquets made of snowflake crystals adorn your winter wedding. To feel lighter without taking away their stunning light, you can use plastic crystals for safety too.

Gothic Wedding Bouquet

Black and bold colors like in gothic bouquets bring unique and unusual nuance to your wedding bouquet. You can also use this goth style as your Halloween wedding theme. For this, you just need to prepare some bold coloring flowers such as black purple calla lily, and red roses, also adjust black feathers and ribbons for decorating your flower arrangements.

Sheasell for Beach Wedding Bouquet

Find out a new bouquet design for your wedding with seashells. You can turn your shell collection into a unique and unusual wedding bouquet ever. Use this kind of bouquet to adorn your beach wedding theme. It is easy to use some shells and create beachy bouquets that also bring warm summer. For this, you can make a custom bouquet from craft stores.

Long Cascading Flower Gerald

Arranging your wedding bouquet in cascading design is usual, but when you create a long cascading it looks unique and unusual. I believe you would like this one. This wedding bouquet would help you to bring flowers like wearing a beautiful nature scarf. This would more look like accessories rather than a hand bouquet.

Heart Shaped Bouquet

Show your joy and love with something romantic like heart bouquets. You can find more posies in round or irregular shapes, but getting love or heart shapes would be a romantic, unique, and unusual wedding bouquet idea. Roses can be used to represent true love. You can have your florist arrange white roses in the center and a touch of baby’s breath in the side arrangement. Another option is to use red roses and other brightly colored blooms. Just getting your inspiration from Pinterest or having one of these pictures.

Rose Gold Wedding Arrangement

One other outstanding wedding bouquet is the rose gold arrangement. You can get whimsical and unique hand bouquet ideas by coloring some roses with gold glitter or using paper and linen roses. This unique and unusual wedding bouquet is a bright statement and fancy for your weddings. It also could bring you into a dreamy wedding that looks like a fairy tale.

Beautiful Flower Pomander

If you want to choose flowers but still want to make your wedding bouquet looks special, it’s easy girls! You simply need to create beautiful hanging floral arrangements in pomander design. You can make a single pomander in a medium sphere with roses, berries, and greeneries, then add ribbon as a handle at the top. Another option, you can get some small flower pomanders arranged in a big ribbon or plant vines. This flower arrangement gives you a wonderful hand bouquet that you can bring to walk down the aisle.

Crescent Floral Arrangement

You have found many things about unique and unusual wedding bouquet ideas either traditional or untraditional arrangements. Like this cascading hand bouquet that looks like a crescent or bows. These different bouquets have two cascades on each side. And the flower list you can includes are some tropical blooms, orchids, and roses. Then for the greeneries, you can get eucalyptus, olive branches, ferns, palm, and more. This is anything but ordinary bouquets, especially when you give your taste.

Offbeat Bridal Bouquets

For the last unique and unusual wedding bouquet idea to bring to your wedding is untraditional hand bouquets. For this, rather you use common elements in wedding bouquets such as flowers and greeneries, you can change them with other elements like buttons, paper flowers, candies, flannels, and others. You can make a DIY bouquet with your creativity here. Use pompom flannels and paper blooms or colorful buttons to create eco-friendly bouquets. When you want something extraordinary, get sweet candies in the same colors and variety to tie out with a ribbon.

We have done to share you with some unique and unusual wedding bouquets to accompany you walking down the aisle. So, which look is your favorite? We hope this can be your inspired you to adorn and make vibrant in your wedding. When you want another wedding bouquet, take a look at our informative articles like burgundy bouquets for romantic vinery and vineyard wedding themes or some prettiest greenery bouquets to bring natural ideas.


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